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Product owner, region Praha

Product owner
Zaplo Finance s.r.o.
Oblast (okres, kraj): 
Obor práce: 
Informační technologie
Nejnižší požadované vzdělání: 
Typ pracovního poměru: 
Plný úvazek
Změněná pracovní schopnost: 
Mzda (od nebo od-do): 
Popis práce: 

kontaktní osoba: Eva Batalová, e-mail: eva.batalova@4finance.com
1.kontakt: e-mailem

upřesňující informace:
Product Owners provide leadership throughout the whole lifecycle of product development. Is the Single Point of Contact for accepting work into the delivery team (Gatekeeper of the Backlog). Collaborate with stakeholders and provide visibility, work estimates and Release Plans.

• To collaborate with the business to constantly strive to improve performance and relevance of our products.
• To work with business to understand the impact of the value delivered by the release.
• Ensuring the Backlog is up to date and prioritized according to the Customer and Business Value.
• To communicate the big picture of the work to the delivery team.
• To ensure that the product backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all stakeholders, and shows what the delivery team will work on next.
• To have the short term view of the product backlog i.e. 1-3 months. The focus will be the current Release.
• To work with the Delivery Team in an iterative and incremental approach.

zaměstnanecké výhody:

Kontakt na zaměstnavatele

Kontaktní osoba: 
Eva Batalová
Počet zobrazení inzerátu: